
Conflux is an immersive, research-based installation by artists Shannon Collis and Liz Donadio that explores the intersection of industry and the environment in Baltimore, where water meets land in the region.

DANCE² is a dance installation about human-robot interaction and our collective feelings about technology’s influence on the future.

In the proposed system, FractalBrain, we utilize an interactive audiovisual fractal with a geometric repetitive pattern that has been demonstrated to induce meditative effects.

how to breathe underwater
This body of work consists of a series of prints and a related virtual reality (VR) experience that use underwater photogrammetry to explore monumental decay.

Immersive Music Video
Created by Ian McDermott, this music video for local indie band The North Country uses point cloud to immerse the viewer/listener in VR.

Sensorium (Ongoing Work)
Sensorium is both a work of art and science that sets out to synthesize the survival problems that the world ocean faces in our emerging heat shocked future.

Environmental Art
We deploy arctic ice trackers to artistically show how climate change is impacting sea levels.

Emergency Care in AR
We are developing tools based in augmented reality to improve emergency medicine.

History in VR
We partnered with the Newseum in Washington D.C., to experience a virtual dash to freedom over the Berlin Wall.

Physically-Based Rendering
We are developing algorithms to make objects appear more realistic in AR and VR

Memory Recall in VR
Our study found that people recall information better through a virtual reality headset opposed to a traditional desktop setting.

Immersive Spaces
We create multi-sensory exhibitions to experience public spaces in innovative, immersive ways.